For a Limited Time: 3 Day Mind Your Money Intensive!

I Create Millionaire Mindsets!

”If you want to keep growing, you can't stay in the same place. Shifting is important because it's the only way to make sure that you're always moving forward. Shift your mindset into high gear for prosperity, Now!”


Hi, I 'am "Dr. Tabatha Russell"

Dr. Tabatha Russel is more than just a business owner and serial entrepreneur, she is also a woman of faith, a mother, and a grandmother.

Dr. Tabatha has mastered the process of going from employee to CEO, started and scaled several successful businesses, and is now helping women start and scale their businesses to 6 & 7 figures.

She is also an author & speaker known for her inspirational & motivational content. This is due to her own life story being so compelling.

Before Dr. Tabatha was well known for her success, she was financially struggling as a mother of 5 (4 sons and 1 daughter) who had experienced a tremendous betrayal when a business partner stole her brand right out from underneath her feet. This betrayal left her floundering and at the lowest of lows; financially, emotionally, and physically.

Her shifted mindset began after reaching a low point in her life. It was then that she became determined to make a better life for herself and her children. She discovered and then experienced the power of breakthrough after breakthrough, leading her to establish financial freedom.

Entrepreneur/Serial Business Owner/International Speaker/Transformation Specialist/Woman of Faith/ "Money Makeover Mogul"

Porch Time with Ms. McKinney

Come on in! Have a seat and meet Dr. Tabatha Russell - Inspirational Life Coach and Entrepreneur and so Much More!

Tune In!

Dr. Tabatha started & scaled multiple companies (Angel Waisted Body Contouring Studio, Prosperity Solutions Luxury Travel & Prosperity Solutions Tax and Consulting Agency) to a point of success where she was able to ultimately recreate her life and rediscover her passions. Throughout this process, she began to realize how many other women also needed support and empowerment. This inspired her to create the Breakthrough Millionaires Mindset Masterclass. This class provides women with the specific tools needed to achieve financial freedom and stability.

Dr. Tabatha's mission is to uplift, empower, and inspire motivated women that currently lack confidence & guidance. This mission ensures these women can meet their goals by harnessing their ability to level up their price points, create multiple streams of income, and expand their vision.

Dr. Tabatha models that "Dreams Can Come True" in her own life: She holds two Doctorates, she is the author of, “I Divorced My Money & Married My Mindset”, and is the host of the weekly radio show, “Inside Inspired Women”.

Dr. Tabatha is inviting YOU to become an inspired woman and join her in the Breakthrough Millionaires Masterclass!

Who Is This For?

This masterclass was created for savvy women who are ready to level up their lives and go from employee to self-sustained CEO...women who simply need more guidance, confidence & powerful mindset adjustments to be able to reach the goals they dream of.

What Do I Need To Do?

When you register, you will get the link to access to The Breakthrough Millionaires Masterclass where you will be given a valuable road map in order to move your finances forward to generational wealth. Just bring your notebook, an open mind, and be ready to learn & grow!

What Will I Get?

Through this Masterclass you will learn how to apply the Millionaires Mindset and create vital changes in your life.

You'll receive critical insight into your barriers and be empowered to break through them in order to 
 transform your financial landscape and future success.


Are You Ready To Level Up?

Discovery Call

Discover Your Path To Prosperity

Find out what's been holding you back from creating your path to prosperity.

Discuss how we can help you find the program that will be the best fit for you.

Remove procrastination on getting started

Stop putting prosperity off for another day

Put together a game plan to get started

Master Class

Get a jump start on your Wealthy Place

Discover the differences between the average American's mindset and the wealthy

How a blueprint to wealth will make a difference

Stop sitting on wealth

Remove limiting beliefs

How to build an acceleration process

5-Day Money Mindset Challenge

Group Setting

Find out what's been holding you back from creating your path to prosperity.

Stop accepting where you are

Running away from the obstacles

Learn the 3 steps to prosperity

Break the needs and wants cycles

One on One Session

Private session

Develop a quick action wealth plan

Understand where you are

Remove the group setting

Identify the obstacles

Supercharge your wealth

Develop the path that allows you to live the life of your dreams

Breakthrough Millionaires

90 Day Program

Exclusive community

12 steps blueprint for wealth

Create generational wealth plan

Remove the elephant in your bank account

Break the chains of lack

Accelerate your journey to prosperity

3- one on one sessions

Next Level CEO Mastermind

1 Year Program

1 Year Program

Exclusive community

Accelerate wealth without burnout

Exclusive access to Dr. Russell

Steps to create multiple streams of wealth

Remove the mindset of poverty for generational growth

Make money in your sleep

6 One on one sessions



Here’s What Other Leaders Are Saying About Dr. Tabatha Russell:

To my knowledge, has had to start over a few times in life from scratch. As a mom of 4 boys/men and 1 daughter. I never saw her faith waiver, I never saw her afraid, I never heard her say I can’t. I only saw her get closer to God. Every time she came back bigger and better. Stronger. She is self made, more educated, grounded and just kinder than anyone I know. Whenever I need her she is there for me. I don’t know how or why or what I’ve done to deserve such a blessing from GOD to have her as my sister but I am eternally grateful. I turn to her for all my life events big or small. She is my cheerleader and my counselor. Every day I aspire to be more like her and will cherish our friendship and family bond all my life. Her business ethic is unlike any other. She goes all out to strive for success and will pull out all that you aspire to be at the same time. 

~ Nicole Rivera 

I can truly say that Dr. Tabatha has captured me in her web of undeniable warmth of love from our very first introduction back in 2011. She has been so consistent with who she is. She has always treated me with such kindness. She has always made me feel loved, gifted, important and worthy with just more than her words, and if you've ever met Miss Tabatha, then you've experienced how her words can truly draw you in and the experience is captivating...Her calmness is refreshing, her presence is so inviting, her laugh is contagious and her prayers will make you feel like I wish the devil would! She inspires me every single day to be strong , caring, career driven, optimistic and a TRUE woman of God. For whatever bumps may cross my path she's the first number that is dialed. I can always count on her honesty, transparency, her knowledge and above all her LOVE.

I've been faithfully blessed to have her in my life.

She is who i've prayed for;

Dr. Tabatha Russell is my Role Model. 

~ Marla Evansscott

Many of you are blessed to know Dr. Tabatha Russell but I have the pleasure of calling Mom aka Momma! I would like to say that high school is when I started putting you're many and I do mean many life lessons to the test! Your kind yet powerful words of wisdom no matter the circumstances is like oxygen to my lungs! In other words, I am better because of you! Many adults tap out at a certain level within success. You've tapped into an unlimited supply that runs over so much that you're eager to share it with anyone who will listen. I learned my business ethic from you at an early age. you taught us to be self sufficient, to be eager to learn and get right back up when things don't go our way. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to keep looking for it. Thank you for being there for the best of times and most of ALL the worst, because I will always win with you on my team hands down! Love you!

~ Jharrod Evans

Dr. Russell has helped me to bounce back from many hardships in life. I started working with her 3 years ago for Holistic Coaching and I have never been the same since. I was struggling in my finances, relationship and my business was about to go into ruins. I had all but given up when a friend of mine told me to reach out to her and see if she could help. I did not know what I was in store for. I thought it was going to be a waste of time because I had already talked to an attorney to file bankruptcy and was ready to settle for my losses. She encouraged me to have some patience and follow her process and it has been history ever since I am proud to announce that I have fixed my credit, created multiple streams of income and I have a thriving business as a result of following the Healthy Wealthy Coach as she likes to call herself. I am forever grateful and I would recommend her to everyone. Give the Breakthrough Millionaires a chance and have some patience, because success is a process.

~ Sharon Sellers

Being the oldest and my mother being the oldest she definitely taught me how to lead by example and be a great role model for my brothers. You've taught me that no matter how hard you fall you can always bounce back harder. I have the greatest teacher of life, family, finance, relationships, college, running your own business, and list goes on. My mom inspires me everyday and makes me want to work harder and never settle. She gives you the best of both worlds. She can laugh and joke with us and 5 minutes later we can have a business conversation with millionaires. I love you sooo much and thank you for making me the man I am today.

~ Franklin Evansscott

What can I say about Dr. Russell... She is kind, caring and very creative. She helped me to start my business 2 years ago and I have not looked back ever since. I didn't know which way to turn when I got started because I just had a dream and a small budget. Dr. Russell helped me to structure my ideas and gain enough courage to launch my business. The coaching sessions have been invaluable. I always look forward to our sessions. 

~ Danielle Major


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